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Truck Driver Lifestyles: Will I Get Lonely OTR?

Posted by Rebecca Anderson on Nov 29, 2016 10:30:00 AM
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Truck Driver Lifestyles Will I Get Lonely OTR.jpgIt can be extremely difficult to be alone, especially if you are a people person. Before you drive OTR. Be prepared for the solo time that comes with being a truck driver and know what you can do to combat the loneliness. 

As an OTR truck driver, you will be alone for extended periods of time. When you're feeling especially lonely, follow these three tips to combat that feeling of isolation.  Become a Truck Driver

1. Reach out
Reach out to your friends and loved ones when you are off duty. More often than not, they will want to hear from you. Call, write a letter, send an email or chat with them virtually. The different ways to communicate are endless.

2. Adopt a pet
The lonely OTR lifestyle will fade away when you have a new furry friend with you. Before taking the serious step in adoption, make sure your company has a pet policy. Your new companion is not just for right now. He or she is forever.

3. Develop a hobby
Your hobby may be playing video games, watching movies, cooking, reading, writing or photography. If you do not currently have a hobby, explore some new ideas. You might find a hidden talent.


You will be as lonely as you make yourself.
Find your wolfpack and run with it.


Topics: truck driver