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A Truck Driver's Guide to Voting

Written by Rebecca Anderson | Aug 7, 2018 3:30:00 PM

Image via Unsplash

Happy Election Day! Today is a voting day for many people across the country. Ballots will be cast and futures will be made. However, as a truck driver, knowing you will be able to make your voice heard at your polling place on Election Day is not always certain. That is why we put together a truck driver's guide to voting.

1. Register to Vote
You must be registered to vote, just like anyone else. A person who will be 18-years or older on Election Day is allowed to register. Many states will have voter registration deadlines. Long before Election Day arrives, register to make your voice heard.

2. Apply for an Absentee Ballot
Do not miss your chance to vote. Since you are an on the road driver, you are allowed to vote absentee. Fill out an absentee ballot application and mail it to your County's Election Office.

3. Complete and Return the Absentee Ballot
Fill out the form, seal, sign it where instructed and return to the County Election Office by mail or by person. 

Don't wonder how to vote as a truck driver. Upcoming deadlines, where to vote and your County Election Office location can all be seen here.