Flatbed driver, Marcus Reed's co-pilot, Diego.
Fido or Max is your best friend and you can’t imagine parting with them as a truck driver and while you drive OTR. You are in luck. Many trucking companies allow you to bring your pet on the road. Just make sure you are fully prepared.
Find a pet-friendly company
You can’t bring your best friend along if the company you drive for doesn’t allow pets. Many companies will allow pets but also have parameters. Before talking with a recruiter, know what questions you needs to ask about your pet.
Maintain your pet’s health and well-being
The trucking life isn’t just a lifestyle change for you, it is also a change for your pet. Before you take them on the road for the first time, have a veterinarian thoroughly check them over. Also, make sure you are fully stocked with any medication your pet needs.
Keep your pet safe
Microchip your pet before even going on the road. If anything were to happen, your pet will be easier to be reunited with you if he or she has microchip.
Be aware at truck stops. Even if your pet is well-trained, always keep them on a leash. A stray squirrel may distract him or her enough to run in front of another truck. Don’t let an avoidable incident happen.
Know what your pet needs on the road
While you will be busy driving, Fido may get a little bored. Keep your pet occupied and happy while you are working. Things to pack may include:
- Pet food
- Food and water bowls
- Bedding
- Collar[s]
- Tags
- Health records
- Leash
- Medications
- First-aid
- Litterbox and kitty litter
- Toys
- Grooming supplies
It is possible to bring your companion on the road. Before you do, make sure you follow those tips so he or she is ready for life on the road.
“Diego likes driving too! He enjoys looking out the windows as we drive all over the country. It can get lonely out here and he is the perfect companion.”
-Marcus Reed