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Why We Are Thankful For Truck Drivers

Posted by Rebecca Anderson on Nov 22, 2016 10:30:00 AM
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Thankful For Truck Drivers.pngIt is the time of the year when families and friends gather, enjoy each others company and express gratitude. We want to share why we are thankful for truck drivers.

Be appreciated 1. We cannot eat our holiday meals without truckers
It really is no joke. Truck drivers deliver our meals day in and day out. If trucks stopped, minor shortages would occur within two days and within three days, significant shortages would occur. As food quickly disappears, panic would ensue.

2. Truck drivers keep us healthy
As the temperatures drop, the instances of sickness increase. The American Trucking Association states that, “Although pharmacies typically carry several weeks inventory of many drugs, seasonal pharmaceuticals, such as antibiotics and flu-shots during winter months, have faster turnover rates. According to the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, most of the nation’s 55,000 drug stores receive daily merchandise deliveries by truck.”


3. The world would not be a pretty place if it weren’t for truckers
We often take the ability to throw away waste for granted. If trucks stopped, Americans would literally be buried in waste. Next time you take your trash out, thank a trucker.

As you reflect this week on what you are thankful for, remember our truck drivers. Share your gratitude next time you encounter a professional truck driver. Because if you’ve got it, a truck brought it (even your Thanksgiving meal).


Topics: truck driver