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Women Truck Drivers: Defying the Stereotypes

Posted by Rebecca Anderson on Aug 2, 2016 10:30:00 AM
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Have you heard that women truck drivers are taking over the trucking industry faster than ever? It's true and they are showing others just how it's done. Women truck drivers defy stereotypes every day.

The trucking industry is changing and so is life for women truck drivers.

We asked TransLand’s recruiting manager, Connie about how life has changed for women truck drivers since she was a professional driver.


“My first thought goes to technology. It’s not about the 1,000 mile days. It’s about fuel economy, safety, and comfort.

When traveling, I look around and see all the trucks on the road, I’m blown away. Even with the driver shortage, there are tractor trailers everywhere. Equipment today sets the professional driver up for success.

Professional truck drivers have the ability to communicate with his or her family anywhere, directions are coordinated for you in seconds and astonishing equipment stabilizes-alerts-and shifts for you. It’s exciting to see the technological changes that have taken place for a person to be a professional driver today.”

More and more women have taken the responsibility of driving professionally and with all the advances in technology, why wouldn’t you? According to the American Trucking Association, female truck drivers accounted for 5.8 percent of the 3.4 million U.S. truck drivers in 2014, compared with 4.6 percent in 2010.


Are you a female truck driver and are ready to smash stereotypes?


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Topics: women truck drivers