Congratulations! You found the right trucking company to join. You have sent all the paperwork over, the i's have been dotted and the t's have been crossed. It is time you start this new adventure.
Day 2: Finding your groove
Tools of the Trade
You might have heard, electronic logs are becoming a way of life and TransLand has been on board for quite a few years. On day 2, you will extensively cover the ins and outs of electronic logs.

Investing in the Best
Yesterday, you visited the service center and the equipment you will call yours. Today, you will learn all about the equipment and how the latest technology is available to you.
The Basics Part 2
You will also review:
- Driver Wellness
- Speed and Space
- Trailer Tails
- Trip Packs
In the next post, we will cover Day 3 of truck driver orientation. You can read about Day 1 here.